Thursday 17 April 2014



This Joiner Photography i took in London when we went for our creative future's, it consists of 7 separate photos put together in Photoshop 

Short Film

Short Film - Rewind

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life photography is photographing inanimate subjects, when I was researching this I came across people like Jonathan Knowles and Dennis Pedersen who are well known still life photographers, doing this for beer companies like Guinness, Smirnoff and Carling. All of there still life photos are amazing the way they set them up, they have also done things like fruit, handbags, nail varnish, make-up etc, whilst looking through there photos I came up with the idea to use three banana's and have two of them lying down and one of them stood up leaning against the other two, I would peal this banana and make it look like it was chilling on the two banana's that was lying down, giving the 
impression that the banana had arms and legs

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Street Photography

Street Photography 

Music Video (Creep - Radiohead)

Music Video (Creep - Radiohead)

Group - Adam Houghton, Luke Robert Edward Webster and Beth Oliver

When we first started thinking about doing a music video we originally wanted it to be a happy and fun song so we went with Jack Johnson - Upside Down and we came up with the idea to film it at Chester Zoo being that the song is called upside down we could relate that to animals in the zoo monkeys etc, because we didn't have any money to go to the zoo, we emailed Chester Zoo to see if we could get in there for free, we explained in the email that we was in Glyndwr University and was doing a music video for one of our projects and could we film it there without having to pay to get in, after a day they replied saying no you you will have to pay to get in, you can film here by all means. so after a talk with my group we was split as I wanted to keep the song we was doing but the other two wanted to change it to Creep - Radiohead, which I didn't agree with I thought the song was too depressing, so in the end I had no choice but to go with the song choice they had chosen, when we started filming and moved onto the editing stage I thought it was pretty good and came together really well, check it out below

Click here to watch Creep - Radiohead

Creative Future's 2014

Barry Perves - (Filmaker)

- Animation wasn't on his radar when he first started

- Telling stories through art from a distance 
- "Give the man a mask and he will tell you the truth" (Oscar Wild)
- Look at yourself from a different angle
- He has a relationship / developed a relationship with his puppets
- "The best tool is your hand" he has worked with computers and they are amazing but the best tool is still your hand
- Make it Interesting
- What is Art? - Consider all the elements within! Editing, Sound, Puppets, Props etc
- Doesn't matter if you have a really small budget it will make you bring out your creative side and as long as you have a good story it will always work
- Plume Film
- Worked on Ruppet before working on Plume
- Make everything in the film be there for a reason, if it doesn't need to be there get rid of it 
- Worked on Wind and the Willows
- Worked Loosely on Lord of the Rings
- Passion, Process, Performance 

Dave and Keith Williams (Music Video)

- Keith created the first visuals for the first music video that went on MTV which was "Video killed the radio star"

- Keith was on Skype to us in the lecture hall

How he started
- Worked in London as a script writer - 1978 worked with Russell Makay 
- Also worked with Elton John
- He was classed as a freelance music video conceptualise 
- 1983 - His American break with Billy Idol 
- Then spent 5 years working in America

- The music player "Walkman" made by Sony which was a cassette player, it was a portable music player you could take with you wherever you wanted

- Listen to the track for the first time and see what your first impressions are
- Sometimes doing the opposite of what the lyrics or the song is telling you can also be very effective and work even better (Counterpoint) 


America in 1982, then in 1983 he meets some producers who want to do music video in 3D, concepts for Michael Jackson's first album. Michael wanted it to be better than anything Steven Spielberg's movies did, which at the time was E.T
Keith pitched 2 concepts to Michael Jackson up at his house, Michael didn't like the ideas so his concepts/ideas wasn't used. But about 2 weeks later Keith heard they was starting the film the music video down the road, so Keith went along to have a look at what they had come up with and how it was all going, when Keith was there Michael Jackson came up to him between cuts and said to him "when did i last see you?" Keith said about 2 weeks ago at your house" Michael said "ok" and walked off to do another scene.
After another cut Michael looked over at Keith and called him over and said "you have ambition don't you?" Keith replied "yes i do" Michael said then "can i touch your forehead?" Keith said "yeah ok i guess".
So Michael put 2 fingers on his forehead for a couple of seconds and then walked off and Keith never saw him again.
Keith realised later on the Michael had done what E.T had done to do kid in the film E.T by Steven Spielberg.


- Often ideas would come from anything
- Communication with the artist is key, you want to make sure they know what is happening and they are happy with the idea and concept, last thing you want is to start filming and they aren't happy with your idea and you end up arguing on location/set.
-When pitching ideas give them about 90% of the pitch/idea, they say to the artist "I'm not sure about this part what do you think?" because just makes them think and that they have contributed to the idea, because of this it will be easier to sell it too them.

Melissa Cross - (Life as a Media Photographer)

- Studied in HND Photography as a mature student and graduated in 2006
- Joined NWN Media 
- Works currently for the leader newspaper
- 3 photographers there which have a weekly diary and if one of the photographer's is struggling on a job they would ring each other to help each other out.
- Works a lot with Schools, Funerals, Celebrities/VIP's, Call-out's, Grieving Families, 
Features/Businesses and Sports

Sports consists of 

- Climbing Wall
- Football (mainly Chester and Wrexham)
- Kids Football
- Cycling
- Cricket
- Swimming (Charity) 
- Rugby
- Chester Marathon